
Foreign Body Ingestion in Children

Foreign body ingestion in children is a frequent cause of emergency care It is important that we initially observe whether the child is breathing or not or at least if there is air passage to the airway The ingestion of foreign leather is a real emergency when there is obstruction........

Nutritional supplements: what they are and when they should be taken

Returning to school or working life can be a complicated adaptation process both physically and mentally For this reason many people go to a nutritional coach to help them better cope with those days by incorporating nutritional supplements or correcting eating habits For many nutritional supplements are a totally unknown........

Irregular Menstruation, When Should I Worry?

Menstruation is a physiological process that women must face each month although not all do it in the same way Irregular menstruation -whose menstrual cycle is not days- is a common concern for women but little discussed or treated by society In addition to the instability that it entails it........
