Gynecological problems cover a wide range of possibilities. Although they must be differentiated from diseases, the list is long and sometimes worrying. However, the good news is that many of these problems are preventable. Adopting good health and eating habits is essential, but also visiting the gynecologist as soon as strange symptoms appear. In reality, gynecological problems can have an impact on other aspects of life, such as sexual relations. Some are easy to detect, and others can develop for years with no apparent symptoms. Next, everything you need to know about your gynecological health.
Difference Between Gynecological Diseases and Problems.
Most women will experience gynecological problems throughout their lives. However, they should not be confused with diseases. Although they are used almost synonymously, they are very different terms on a clinical level. According to the World Health Organization, 95% of people suffer from some disorder or health problem.
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Disease is a disease process, with specific symptoms and signs that clinicians can detect and measure. The diseases are characterized by three conditions:
A definite biological cause.
A set of specific symptoms.
An alteration in the anatomical or physiological functions of a person.
Instead, a disorder is an abnormal functioning of an organ without a pathological condition. It can indicate a disease, but elements are missing to make a diagnosis. Furthermore, a disorder may not always be due to a disease.
Thus, if we are going to talk about gynecological problems , we will exclude diseases for the moment to focus on the most common disorders.
What are the most frequent gynecological problems?
A woman can face a long list of gynecological problems throughout her life. It is because, unlike men, women's lives are marked by their cycles: puberty, adolescence, first menstruation, pregnancy, menopause. Each change represents a true hormonal revolution with repercussions on her sexual life and her physical and mental health .
Thus, from simple hormonal imbalances to more serious, sudden or long-standing gynecological problems , the key is not to ignore them and to know how to deal with them in time.
Polycystic ovary syndrome
This problem is characterized by the appearance of multiple follicles in the ovaries, which make it difficult to release the egg. Thus, menstrual cycles are altered, becoming longer or infrequent.
Some of the causes are an excess of androgens, genetic causes or excess insulin.
Other symptoms are abdominal obesity, acne, a tendency to diabetes or infertility.
Treatment usually consists of weight reduction, exercise, or yoga. Also, medications to relieve symptoms.
Any woman of childbearing age can suffer from this gynecological problem, which consists of an inflammation of the vagina.
It may be due to infections, sexual intercourse, use of spermicidal creams, taking antibiotics, or hormonal changes.
The most common symptoms are painful urination, vaginal itching or irritation, or foul-smelling discharge.
The doctor can prescribe medicines in the form of tablets, creams or gels.
Urinary tract infection
It is one of most common gynecological problems in women of all ages.
It occurs when bacteria that normally live in the vagina or anus travel up to the urethra, bladder, or kidneys.
The causes are multiple, from nervous or muscular problems, to organic ones such as a narrowing of the urinary tract. Also, blockages in the urethra, bladder, or kidneys.
Symptoms are burning with urination, cloudy, strong-smelling urine, or tinges of blood in the urine. If the infection affects the kidneys, fever, chills, back pain, vomiting or nausea appear.
This problem is treated with antibiotics, the dose and duration of treatment vary depending on the severity of the infection.
Dysmenorrhea or menstrual cramps
This problem is characterized by pain during the menstrual cycle. Within gynecological problems it is not associated with any disease. So, it is called primary dysmenorrhea. Another type of dysmenorrhea is secondary, which is associated with underlying pelvic disorders.
The causes of primary dysmenorrhea is the presence of prostaglandins. These are chemicals found naturally in the body, but they can cause painful contractions of the uterus.
Primary dysmenorrhea usually appears before the age of 20 and tends to disappear with age and pregnancy.
The symptoms are abdominal cramps and severe pain that can manifest in the lower back. About 50% of women suffer from other associated symptoms, such as nausea, vomiting, fatigue, dizziness or headache.
Treatment consists of pain relievers, although many women do not need medication.
Fibroids are muscle tumors that form in the uterus. They are mostly benign. The specific cause is not known, although they may be due to hormonal or genetic causes.
Some of the symptoms are heavy menstrual bleeding, pressure in the lower abdomen, bleeding between cycles, or pain during intercourse.
In general, the treatment of fibroids is surgical, but this is not always the case. In fact, the severity of the problem and the age of the patient are taken into consideration.
Endometriosis is one of the gynecological problems with the greatest impact on mood. It affects women throughout the reproductive stage. An explanation for this problem, which is very important for women, has not yet been found. It is because its evolution is unpredictable.
Basically, it consists of a development of uterine tissue outside the uterus. It can even appear in places as far away from the genital tract as the abdomen, lungs, or brain.
The causes can be hormonal, genetic or immune system problems.
The most common symptoms are dysmenorrhea, chronic pelvic pain, and dysparurenia or genital pain during or after sexual intercourse.
Treatment consists of painkillers, hormonal treatments or surgery depending on the severity.
How to prevent gynecological problems?
Many gynecological problems can be prevented. To begin, a regular visit to the gynecologist is key, since it helps to:
Maintain general gynecological health.
Detect diseases in time through different tests or from symptoms.
Along with this, breast self-examination is a simple and effective habit that allows you to quickly discover any abnormalities.
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Vaginal hygiene is another of the keys to prevent gynecological problems such as urinary tract infections, genital herpes and inflammations. Actually, the vulva and vagina are home to millions of good bacteria that are responsible for keeping the area clean and healthy. In order not to upset this delicate balance, it is recommended:
Avoid douching.
"Intimate hygiene" products such as gels, scented soaps and others are completely unnecessary and can also upset the balance of bacteria.
The intimate area should be washed simply with water, or at most with a product with a neutral or slightly acidic pH.
A healthy vulva and vagina are naturally odorless, so there's no need to use scented or deodorant wipes. If there is a bad smell, it is a symptom of gynecological problems that require medical attention.
Carry out a gentle daily cleaning and dry the area without rubbing.