Homeopathy Doctors Consultation

free online homeopathy consultation

Embrace natural healing with "Ask Doctors." Our platform offers free consultations with experienced Homoeopaths. Homoeopaths play a crucial role in the holistic treatment of various health issues. Rooted in natural remedies, they aim to stimulate the body's own healing mechanisms. From chronic conditions to minor ailments, they provide personalised care, using highly diluted substances to trigger the body's innate ability to restore balance. With "Ask Doctors," you gain access to homoeopathic experts who understand the principles of individualised treatment, offering natural solutions tailored to your needs. Prioritise natural healing – book your free consultation now and embark on a journey towards a more balanced, healthier life.

What is homeopathy and what is it for?

To know who the homeopath is, we must first know what homeopathy consists of. This has its origin in the Greek: homeos (similar) and páthos (disease). This is discipline based on the fact that “like cures like.”


The principle defended by homeopathy is that a person's body, spirit and mind are connected and can be affected when suffering from an illness. Likewise, he maintains that a substance that causes symptoms of illness in a healthy person can also be the cure for similar symptoms in sick people . What does this mean? If a small dose of the substance (which causes discomfort to healthy individuals) is applied to sick people, over time they would begin to notice improvement.


How is this possible? Homeopathy is based on the therapeutic effects produced by substances whose toxicity is eliminated by using reduced doses, up to a level known by the term “infinitesimal.” What is relevant in these cases is not the disease, but the person as a whole. Therefore, homeopathic medicines are intended to stimulate the body's self-regulation mechanisms, stimulating the healing process.


Types of ailments and/or diseases treated

Through homeopathy any physical, mental or emotional imbalance that affects a person can be treated. This alternative therapy also focuses on chronic or acute diseases. Even so, there are a series of common ailments that are addressed by homeopathy, such as:


Chronic pain.


Allergies, whether seasonal or permanent.

Flu and colds.

Atopic dermatitis.

Irritable bowel syndrome.

Arterial hypertension.

Bronchitis, asthma, laryngitis and other bronchial diseases.

Emotional and mental problems such as stress, hyperactivity or anxiety.


Menstrual disorders and menopause.

How are homeopathic medicines made?

Homeopathy experts prepare homeopathic medicines and formulas by diluting them in water or alcohol . In this way, the selected substance that usually produces the effects of the disease is reduced. The substances we are talking about can be of chemical, animal or plant origin.


On the other hand, its preparation is done following certain guidelines . Firstly, the dilution is carried out progressively, so it is not done just once, but rather several times until that toxic substance is imperceptible. The second step is carried out after each dissolution and consists of vigorously shaking the product so that the active ingredient and the water molecules of the mixture are configured. The result is medicines with zero or low toxicity , achieving effects that are generated by stimulating the organism's own resources, strengthening it.


What does a homeopath do?

The homeopath is a professional with the necessary training to treat patients' health problems through homeopathic substances based on "like cures like." What is a consultation with a homeopath like? If you want to dedicate yourself to this profession, you may have doubts about what the work or day-to-day life of this expert is like.


Consultation with a homeopath is very similar to that of a conventional medicine specialist. On a patient's first consultation visit, the homeopath is responsible for carrying out an initial evaluation with different tests that allow a diagnosis to be obtained. The professional also asks a series of questions to learn about the patient's lifestyle , since it is not only about focusing on the symptoms, but also about obtaining data from the person in different aspects of their life.


With all the information collected, the homeopath obtains the resources to prescribe the most appropriate remedy . These medications are usually administered in the form of cream, powder or tablets and are sold in specialized pharmacies. In addition to this prescription, the professional can add a series of recommendations so that the action of the medication provides the best results.


What are the benefits of homeopathy?

Next, we are going to learn about some of the most notable advantages that the consumption of this type of homeopathic medicines represents for people:


Safety: it consists of a safe treatment that does not generate any kind of reaction or side effect.

It is not addictive: its concentrate is not addictive.

Offers relief: provides positive effects in the treatment of diseases or conditions that cause pain.

Tolerable: after so many years of use, there are still no known major adverse effects that are related to the consumption of these formulas.

Easy to take: Most of these medications are found in liquid (taken by drops), creams, or small tablets.

Holistic: that is, it treats all symptoms as one.

